10 Unique Colors of Anodizing

C0 Naturel
C32 Champagne
C33 Olive
C34 Brown
C35 Dark
C45 Stainless Steel
CI63 Grey
CI65 Graphite
CI75 Green
CI78 Anthracite
1.Surface preparation
The first stage of the surface preparation stage is degreasing, consisting of the removal of aluminium surface oils and their derivatives and impurities from the machining parts. Such a cleaned surface is subjected to alkaline digestion, aimed at the removal of a spontaneous oxide film from the surface of the article and to give a uniform matte surface, decorative appearance, and compensates for small defects after rolling or pressing, such as: streaks, thermal and fine stripes.
An alternative finition for satin surfaces is polishing. By means of engraving in a mixture of concentrated acids is carried out smoothing of the surface structure, which reduces the formation of fogging and illuminates the surface of the metal and, consequently, the effect of suitable gloss. Another process of surface preparation of anodizing is more (pickle), the final purpose of which is to remove the thin oxide layer and sludge that may remain after the engraving process or satin-polishing, and removal of what is necessary to obtain a uniform structure oxide coating. luminous