Became a partner

Become an Independent Sales Representative in 3 steps
Register and receive by e-mail, an 'ID' and a 'password' allowing you to access your space on the Belux Partner Portal.

Access your space on the Belux Partner Portal, and find all the information and conditions to become a Belux Independent Sales Representative.
Complete your registration and you will have access to all materials, guides, documentation, information and support to get started
Get started !
Whay becoming BELUX Partner ?
Here are some reasons :
- ✔ You participate in the development of your city,
- ✔ This allows you to create additional income, and increase your Turnover, while maintaining total autonomy,
- ✔ Create your business without taking any financial risk,
✔ you have access to our customers' orders and project studies,
- ✔ The possibility of unlimited income, without taking any financial risk,
- ✔ You are totally autonomous, without ever being alone,
✔ Work whenever you want,and from where you want,
- ✔ Be informed of the latest technologies in Lighting and Street Furniture,
- ✔ You will have a rich technical documentation and commercial support,
✔ You wil benefit from Belux advertising and comminication partners,
- ✔ You and your employees will benefit from Internships and Free Training,
- ✔ Adhere to the vision of a company known and recognized for its professionalism and the quality of its products,